• Question: what is your yearly income

    Asked by anon-375323 on 30 Nov 2023.
    • Photo: Caroline Hyde

      Caroline Hyde answered on 30 Nov 2023:

      The salary for academics is quite regulated so will depend on whether or not additional roles/responsibilities are being taken on and the number of years (experience) on the job. This then translates into scales and grades. In my current role, the salary bracket is around £47-53K.

    • Photo: Sophie Shaw

      Sophie Shaw answered on 30 Nov 2023:

      In the NHS salaries are banded based on level of responsibility and the tasks being undertaken. I’m a Band 8a so I earn about £50k a year.

    • Photo: Michael Schubert

      Michael Schubert answered on 30 Nov 2023:

      Because I’m self-employed, my income varies a lot based on the work I choose to do. However, the last time I worked as an employee, I earned about £50K a year.

    • Photo: Hayley Free

      Hayley Free answered on 1 Dec 2023:

      I have a PhD stipend which is ~£18K

    • Photo: Ping Zhang

      Ping Zhang answered on 1 Dec 2023:

      I am at a Grade 8 job which has salary scale £45 – 54K P.A.
