• Question: tell me a funny joke!

    Asked by anon-375997 on 29 Nov 2023.
    • Photo: Sophie Shaw

      Sophie Shaw answered on 29 Nov 2023:

      Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he was a fun guy!

    • Photo: Michael Schubert

      Michael Schubert answered on 29 Nov 2023:

      What did the biologist wear to the fancy party?
      Designer genes!

    • Photo: Martin Johnsson

      Martin Johnsson answered on 30 Nov 2023:

      Why shouldn’t a chicken cross the road? It would be a fowl proceeding.

      (I’m sorry, I can’t resist a bad chicken joke. I did my PhD on chicken genetics.)

    • Photo: Caroline Hyde

      Caroline Hyde answered on 30 Nov 2023:

      I’m not really good at jokes but here goes:
      ‘why did the biologist break up with the physicist? they had no chemistry’

    • Photo: Ping Zhang

      Ping Zhang answered on 1 Dec 2023:

      Question: “Tell me why we always see lightning first and then hear thunder?” Answer: “That’s simple, because the eyes are in front of the ears!”

    • Photo: Roberta Migale

      Roberta Migale answered on 12 Dec 2023:

      Chemistry related joke

      I wanted to tell you a cool joke but all the good one Argon….
