
Samantha Slater-Lewin
About Me:
I am a Senior Forensic Scientist and live in London with my wife, 2 children and cat called Major Tom!
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I love to cook, grow vegetables, dance to music and teach myself to play the ukulele.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I look at exhibits for areas to sample for DNA and/or develop fingermarks and if found, use them to try and help solve crimes.
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I manage cases that come into the department, writing a forensic strategy to decide the best way to examine the exhibits to get the best evidence. This helps the police officers investigate the alleged crime. I look at exhibits mainly for blood or cellular material – such as skin cells. I also treat items with special chemicals that work with the amino acids in sweat that is deposited from the fingers in order to see if there are any fingermarks present. I write reports & can go to court to give evidence as an expert witness.
A few years ago I used to interpret the DNA results to see if the DNA obtained from an exhibit matched a suspect and/or victim in a case but we use a separate forensic service provider to do that instead. This gives me more time to manage cases, examine exhibits and write reports.
My Typical Day:
I try and get to the laboratory for about 9am, I will either have reports to write for cases or I will go to either the DNA clean laboratory to look at items to sample for DNA or the fingerprint laboratory to treat items with chemicals to see if there are any fingermarks on them.
I will meet friends for lunch & do the same type of work in the afternoon. I am part time and generally work Monday – Wednesday in the lab, work from home for a few hours on a Thurs and have Friday off.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would use it to help the Met Police STEM Ambassadors team which I am a part of. We don’t get much funding for materials so it would be great to able to do use the money to buy equipment we can use during our sessions to show children Forensic Science is a varied and interesting subject.
Walford High School
East Berkshire College
University of Glamorgan
9 GCSE’s Grades B – D
2 A Levels: Biology Grade E, Maths Pure and Stats Grade E
1st Class BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences and Forensic Science
Work History:
Forensic Examiner 2000 – 2004
Lead Forensic Examiner 2004 – 2005
Crew Leader on Forensic Response Vehicle project 2005 – 2006
Forensic Scientist 2006 – 2012
Forensic Recovery Officer – 2013 – 2014
Forensic Scientist 2014 – 2019
Current Job:
Senior Forensic Scientist
Metropolitan Police Service
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
I wanted to be a Pharmacist but I failed Chemistry A level so had to find another subject to study at university and found Forensic Science!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I was good most of the time but was once influenced by a friend who wanted to 'bunk off' school (i.e not go to lessons). One day I decided to go with her but got caught when her mum rang the school to let them know my friend hadn't taken her technology folder! That was the first and last time I bunked off! Don't do it kids, it's not worth it!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Something with music like a DJ or dancer but I would have had to have started a lot younger than I am now!
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Tina Turner
What's your favourite food?
Caribbean food - Rice and Peas, brown stew, curry, ackee and salt fish, fried dumpling, the list goes on!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To work less but have more money (is that possible?!) so I can spend more time with my family.
Tell us a joke.
What did zero say to eight?............Nice belt!