A thank you from your winner, Michael Schubert 🏆🎉
Michael Schubert is the winner of the Genetics Zone, after receiving the most votes from students! He wins £500 to spend on more science engagement activities. Here’s what he had to say about his victory:
The winner of the Genetics Zone is…
🥇Michael Schubert
Thanks to all the students, scientists and teachers that have taken part in the Genetics Zone!
Throughout the Zone students have been voting for their favourite scientist.
That scientist will win £500 to spend on more STEM engagement.
We are very excited to announce that the winner of the Genetics Zone is…
The third weekly winner is…
🥇Hayley Free
Hayley looks at the DNA of frogs and toads searching for the genetic material of viruses within the DNA.
Students get a chance to cast a new vote once per week – choose wisely!
The second weekly winner is…
🥇Michael Schubert
Michael studied biology and is now a science writer, editor, and consultant.
Students get a chance to cast a new vote once per week – choose wisely!
The first weekly winner is…
🥇Michael C Macey
Michael research the genetics of microbes living in extreme environments that are similar to the surface of Mars.
Students get a chance to cast a new vote once per week – choose wisely!